
Syu's and Yudai's birthday gift

As you all know, Syu's and Yudai's birthdays are in August. In these occasions, the official band fanbase team thought about creating a nice project that would group together both dates.

You have until 20 August to send us a video of you wishing happy birthday to the two members. Be original!

You just have to respect 2 rules:

- the video should not exceed 1 minute
- send us your creations by 20 August at midnight (GMT).

We will create a video that will group together all your videos.
The final video will be published on YouTube on 22 August, for Yudai's birthday (Syu's birthday is on 5 August so don't forget to send him short birthday messages and give him a clue about the surprise that will come 2 weeks later).

Send us your videos at DEEPxSTARS@gmail.com
Stay turned!

We rely on you!

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